Thursday, March 10, 2011

Civilization in Decline

    As any aspiring writer I dream to one day write something truly transcendental, something that captures the imagination of the old and rips the young from their television sets so fiercely that they are left staggered in its wake. I hope to change the world with a 500 word essay that speaks to the core of humanity, and change the future with a satirical novel the likes of Kurt Vonnegut and the other writing elites. But alas, I fear the day of the written word has passed. I fear that to reach a single human soul I would have to climb into their television set, spray myself with fake tan and drink, fuck and fight my way into their hearts. If I wanted to catch their attention I would have to comment on their pictures or "like" their status. Without my social media connections I cannot hope to reach one mind, tear one heart or make one bit of difference in this world.
    I must confess, I too have fallen to the social media temptations, pasting every picture I can on my wall hoping for someone to comment in envy at the amazing sandwich/view/car/whatever I have come across. I dove into the world of social voyeurism just as hard as any. I constantly updated my status (Eating a sandwich at blah blah with my pretty lady!) added photos (Look at this sandwich!) and "poked" my friends (who the hell pokes?) all trying to live in this world that was created as a drunk antisocial college student's requiem to his ex girlfriend.  And why? Because there was nothing else for me to do.
     So, anonymous writer of angry words towards social media, why the hell are you typing and why the hell am I listening to this? At least that is what I figure you are asking now if you have made it this far. Well I guess I am saying this in reaction to the lack of real social awareness I see among my peers today. I find myself distressed and disgruntled at the way people just don't care about the real world around them, the only thing they are interested in is if their friend Betty is eating at Popeye's or Linkhaus today and if Mark and Sarah are in a relationship and if its complicated or not. The world outside of our social stalking websites mean nothing to us. Revolt in Egypt, who cares? Massacre in Lybia, who even knows where that is? Wisconsin's Union fights, doesn't affect me. So we live on, in our day to day self involved world of status updates and picture uploads that don't make one difference in the world and live ultimately meaningless existences due to our own lack of caring about the world that we don't see daily.
    Wow, this writer is a pissy dick isn't he? Well I really hope to not seem that way, I just see these things going on and nobody caring, nobody wanting to do anything and I am disheartened. Disenchanted maybe. Yesterday I posted three different links, one about the WI union fight, one about KS taxes being raised and another about funny British voice overs of a BBC wildlife show. Two were completely ignored while the other got over thirteen comments, who wants to guess which one people commented on? Funny Brit animals. These animals don't affect even one of my friends, and the other two links affect 90% of my friends yet they don't give a damn about it. Why is that? Why have we gotten to a point in this world that we don't care about what is going on in the real world? Are we all just practicing some form of escapism that is saving us from dealing with the real world? Do we really not care about others unless there is juicy gossip to be recited? Charlie Sheen's breakdown was on all four major news channels thirty minutes ago as the main story, Libya was on them as a filler story that took the reporter less time to comment on than it took for him to whiten his teeth this morning. We truly don't care do we?

What the hell guys?

So yesterday the GOP in Wisconsin separated the Collective Bargaining parts of his budget bill from the original bill so that he could push it through without the Democrats present. With thousands of people from his state protesting for over 3 weeks at the capitol he still pushed it through. If the GOP is supposed to be "for the people" as they so claim to be then why can this happen? No matter how you look at this it is wrong, and even though it doesn't affect me directly I take direct offense to the lack of care for the middle and lower class people that Governor Walker has shown in his blatant disregard of what his constituents want. If this is a nation that is built on the back of its workers then the GOP just busted out the whip. No longer does the Republicans from Wisconsin look at its working class as part of the nation, but slaves that should have no power to fight for their rights. Tis a sad day indeed.