Friday, August 5, 2011

On Supporting the LGBT Community

When I was a kid I couldn't believe that there was ever such a thing as racism. It blew my mind. The idea that the majority of the people would try and oppress the minority was too much. How could this be? Are not all humans just that, humans? How could we believe that someone different than us was inferior to us?! I grew up in this denial laden belief that racism wasn't real.

 As I grew, and hopefully matured, I started to realize that we did once live in this evil, hateful world. Not accepting those that were different than us was once normal. But, through a man with a dream, and a million people with a passion, we began to break down those walls put up against minorities. While those walls are not completely gone and equality granted freely to any human being, we have started the path to freedom. And of that I am proud.

Yet as I age and I meet many amazing and interesting people, who's lives and stories are heartening, heartbreaking and astonishing, I am stricken by the social injustice the modern person puts towards those within the minorities today. I have many smart, thoughtful, loving, moral friends that are homosexual, not by choice, not by some arbitrary decision, but by birth. These people are hard working, friendly, caring people who are marginalized and oppressed by society every day. To me this is unconscionable, much the way we oppressed skin color minorities in the past we oppress the sexual minorities today.

Many quote the Bible in their attacks against Homosexuality. They use scripture to hate and hurt those who would never choose to hurt them back. They believe that God somehow said to hate the homosexuals, that at some point the Bible said "God Hates Fags." This hatred, this cruelty is all done in God's name. And that burns me more than anything.

Christian belief is based on Jesus Christ's message in the New Testament. To be a Christian you have to believe that Christ is the Son Of God and the creator of the New Law that all Christians follow in place of the Old Testament's Laws. Jesus spoke many times, teaching his New Laws and his message of Love. He told of many rules, many moral guidelines, and in these discussions he told us of his greatest message. The most important rule he commands, that among the laws he taught, that the "greatest of these is Love."

Yet as modern Christians somehow the belief that love is the most important part of our existence is lost. Somehow along the way we decided that hate and oppression was the Lord's ultimate message. Yet I look at the Bible, I read Jesus's every word, red letters denoting God's Son's words, truly the ultimate law in Christianity. And you know what? Not once did Jesus speak out for hatred, not once did he denounce homosexuals. How do we find it okay to curse and damn other humans while holding the Bible? The only thing I have read in the Bible that Jesus ever spoke out against was hatred, greed and a fig tree that didn't produce.

"But, silly writer! What about the Old Testament?! Didn't it say that God hates homosexuals?" I have to say kind of, the Old Testament said that God didn't like the act of Homosexuality. But let us look contextually, as we learned in grade school. In Leviticus it said that you should be killed if you were gay, but a couple verses after said you should be killed for shaving your beard and that you cannot wear clothing of mixed threads.As Christians we believe the Jesus' teachings in the New Testament supersedes the laws of the Old Testament. And you know what? Not once did Jesus ever speak against Homosexuals. Seeing as how Jesus put the Christ in Christian I feel his was a greater commandment to Christians than that of the Old Testament's writers.

This is why I support my LGBT friends, those brave enough to accept who they are in spite of the attacks, the narrow mindedness, the hatred that comes from all around. They are strong, caring people standing tall against the gales of hatred sent from the conservative side.

As a straight man I have never faced the attacks put against these good people. I have never felt the pain they endure at the hands of hateful people, and I have never dealt with the ridicule put upon them. I can only feel a fraction of their pain when I see them tormented, and that fraction is overwhelming.

If you truly are a Christian you cannot support the hatred put against Homosexuals. Never once did Jesus tell man to hate even one person. Shame on those who use the Bible to promote cruelty and hatred. They are no better than Fred Phelps and his gang. The only F word Jesus ever cursed was Figs.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Civilization in Decline

    As any aspiring writer I dream to one day write something truly transcendental, something that captures the imagination of the old and rips the young from their television sets so fiercely that they are left staggered in its wake. I hope to change the world with a 500 word essay that speaks to the core of humanity, and change the future with a satirical novel the likes of Kurt Vonnegut and the other writing elites. But alas, I fear the day of the written word has passed. I fear that to reach a single human soul I would have to climb into their television set, spray myself with fake tan and drink, fuck and fight my way into their hearts. If I wanted to catch their attention I would have to comment on their pictures or "like" their status. Without my social media connections I cannot hope to reach one mind, tear one heart or make one bit of difference in this world.
    I must confess, I too have fallen to the social media temptations, pasting every picture I can on my wall hoping for someone to comment in envy at the amazing sandwich/view/car/whatever I have come across. I dove into the world of social voyeurism just as hard as any. I constantly updated my status (Eating a sandwich at blah blah with my pretty lady!) added photos (Look at this sandwich!) and "poked" my friends (who the hell pokes?) all trying to live in this world that was created as a drunk antisocial college student's requiem to his ex girlfriend.  And why? Because there was nothing else for me to do.
     So, anonymous writer of angry words towards social media, why the hell are you typing and why the hell am I listening to this? At least that is what I figure you are asking now if you have made it this far. Well I guess I am saying this in reaction to the lack of real social awareness I see among my peers today. I find myself distressed and disgruntled at the way people just don't care about the real world around them, the only thing they are interested in is if their friend Betty is eating at Popeye's or Linkhaus today and if Mark and Sarah are in a relationship and if its complicated or not. The world outside of our social stalking websites mean nothing to us. Revolt in Egypt, who cares? Massacre in Lybia, who even knows where that is? Wisconsin's Union fights, doesn't affect me. So we live on, in our day to day self involved world of status updates and picture uploads that don't make one difference in the world and live ultimately meaningless existences due to our own lack of caring about the world that we don't see daily.
    Wow, this writer is a pissy dick isn't he? Well I really hope to not seem that way, I just see these things going on and nobody caring, nobody wanting to do anything and I am disheartened. Disenchanted maybe. Yesterday I posted three different links, one about the WI union fight, one about KS taxes being raised and another about funny British voice overs of a BBC wildlife show. Two were completely ignored while the other got over thirteen comments, who wants to guess which one people commented on? Funny Brit animals. These animals don't affect even one of my friends, and the other two links affect 90% of my friends yet they don't give a damn about it. Why is that? Why have we gotten to a point in this world that we don't care about what is going on in the real world? Are we all just practicing some form of escapism that is saving us from dealing with the real world? Do we really not care about others unless there is juicy gossip to be recited? Charlie Sheen's breakdown was on all four major news channels thirty minutes ago as the main story, Libya was on them as a filler story that took the reporter less time to comment on than it took for him to whiten his teeth this morning. We truly don't care do we?

What the hell guys?

So yesterday the GOP in Wisconsin separated the Collective Bargaining parts of his budget bill from the original bill so that he could push it through without the Democrats present. With thousands of people from his state protesting for over 3 weeks at the capitol he still pushed it through. If the GOP is supposed to be "for the people" as they so claim to be then why can this happen? No matter how you look at this it is wrong, and even though it doesn't affect me directly I take direct offense to the lack of care for the middle and lower class people that Governor Walker has shown in his blatant disregard of what his constituents want. If this is a nation that is built on the back of its workers then the GOP just busted out the whip. No longer does the Republicans from Wisconsin look at its working class as part of the nation, but slaves that should have no power to fight for their rights. Tis a sad day indeed.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Capitalism VS Socialism: An Argument

  She loads the last box into her old pickup. She looks around at her now empty home. Choked, she tells her 3yr old daughter to say goodbye to the house she has grown up in. She then turns to the man in the suit and hands him the keys to the house. He presents a paper for her to sign. A tear drops onto the paper and smears the ink as she signs away her home to the bank. When her husband walked out her part time pay couldn’t cover the expenses of a child and a home, and when 90 days passed the bank came calling. Now she is condemned to living in her truck until she can get back on her feet.
          In a country as wealthy, powerful and advanced as the United States of America, one glaringly obvious question begs to be answered, why are so many of our people forced to go hungry, homeless, sick, cold and unsafe? We live in a time that we can look at the tiniest atom and see into the farthest reaches of our solar system yet we cannot even support our own people. Sickness and disparity ravage the poor, insecure and ill fed as the giant mechanical wheels of Capitalism coldly turn and grind the underachievers into the ground. And why should we support them? Are we not told from the beginning that we must do our best in school if we want to have a good life, that just good enough is not good enough? This is America damn it! We are powerful strong and unyielding, and if you can’t handle it then you can get out!
            For as long as I can remember I have been told that Capitalism is the only way, the crowning achievement of a nation that began as poor immigrants leaving Britain’s tyranny to establish a better world, that you can go as far as you want so long as you work for it. And hell, I one hundred percent agree, the only limitations on your life are the ones you put upon yourself. A poor man can become rich and a rich man poor, it all settles on what they put into it. But what happens when that idea gets too big? What happens when cold efficiency forgets about the people that are the back bone of this nation? When saving a buck means a family will have to go without? What happens when Capitalism gets taken over by the greedy and power is wrested from the hands of the many and put into the hands of the few?
            Wal-Mart has long been the picture of Capitalism at work. Wal-Mart moves into your town, and the small businesses move out. They offer cheap products for those who can’t afford boutique shop prices. They offer jobs to those displaced by their overtaking of the local market and they tell us that they are a force for good, providing jobs and cheap products for the everyman. Look at it, Wal-Mart is an amazing machine, they come in, over saturate the market with their cheaper products, and with their considerable money and clout push out their competitors. It is Capitalism at its finest. At what point though, is it not a solution for debt but actually an unending cycle to keep us in debt? When broken down your can see the inherent problems within.
            First, when Wal-Mart comes to town they provide cheaper products that everyone needs and uses on a daily basis. Products such as hygienic care, food, clothing and household necessities are provided at a cheaper rate. Boutique shops therefore are undercut and since they don’t have the capital that Wal-Mart has they are eventually forced to close. That in turn displaces the workers and owners of the boutique shops. And where do they go for work? To Wal-Mart of course, that is the only place hiring. So they accept the pay decrease just to have work. Now they make less money than before so they need to make every penny count, and where else to go than the super cheap megastore that they are employed by? So now they receive a paycheck from the Waltons, and then turn right around and put that money right back into the business that they work for. Now they have the things necessary to live but their quality of life has dropped considerably due to lack of funds for other activities such as travel and entertainment. So ensues a vicious cycle created to keep pumping the profits back into the company that created it.1
            Furthermore, to ice the profit cake, Wal-Mart and many other large companies, also partakes in the controversial practice of “Dead Peasant” Policies. (Their words, not mine.2) The basic idea of a “Dead Peasant Policy” is when a company takes out a life insurance policy in the name of one of their employees in case of an untimely death on the unlucky employee’s part. And when that death does happen they collect the insurance policy and become that much richer, while not paying a single cent of it to the bereaved widow or widower. Case point: As stated by film maker Michael Moore in the 2009 documentary Capitalism: A Love Story, about “a grieving husband whose wife, a cake maker at Wal-mart, died of asthma. Her "dead peasants" policy - "dead peasants" being the actual language used in the corporate memo Moore obtained - gave not a penny to the family she left behind but made Wal-mart richer by $81,000.”3
                So this leads to a few more questions about how America and its companies function and what moral codes should they adhere to. In the Op-Ed piece in the New York Times in 2005 titled “Don’t Blame Wal-Mart,”4 Robert B. Reich explores the dichotomy of America’s consumer culture today. He finds that the major problem doesn’t just lie within Wal-Mart but within our collected selves. And how is that one may ask? Well it’s simple really: When an average consumer goes shopping what are they looking for? The best deal right? So when they are searching for the best deal and the lowest price they don’t think about where the products came from or who made them or who benefits from their purchasing of said items. They just want a good deal. So, places like Wal-Mart, Best Buy and other large corporations provide those cheap prices and good deals. And where does that leave the specialty boutique shops? Out of sight, out of mind and out of business. And therein lies our problem, we want the best deals yet we want our economy to be strong.
            So where does this leave us? American Capitalism has obviously failed us, so where do we turn? Many young Americans jump at that question with a resounding SOCIALISM! So then what is Socialism? Socialism is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as: “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.”5 That definition can be rather vague and slightly complicated to understand. In more basic terms the idea of Socialism is that of an economic structure that focuses on distributing the goods evenly across everyone,  instead of an economic structure that is set up to make some rich while leaving others poor and without basic needs being fulfilled. Now, one can immediately see some pitfalls of this system. What about the bums, the people that do not and will not contribute to society that will feed off the system taking from those of us who have worked hard for what we have? What about the people who work hard and try to get ahead? Does a system like this not promote advancement in all fields, the idea being that if I don’t get more money from new ideas then why waste time coming up with them? All these are inherent problems with Socialism. So, what is to be done then? Capitalism rapes the poor, Socialism rapes the hard working, so then what can we do?
            Well the economic structure of Social-Capitalism addresses that problem. Social-Capitalism is the idea of taking the benefits of both systems and putting them together to form a stronger, healthier, better society. How can this be achieved? Are they not forever pitted against one another do to their polar opposition? Well by taking the good of Capitalism, the idea that if you work hard you can achieve more and get ahead in life, and take the good of Socialism, the idea that as a member of society you deserve the rights of everyone else in that society, and put them together to achieve a better society as a whole then one can realize the potential of Social-Capitalism. Easier said than done, how do we even start to do this?  Robert B. Reich suggests that through laws and regulations that “make our purchases a social choice as well as a personal one,”6 laws that require companies to provide needed benefits, such as sick leave, health insurance, and paid time off, while still allowing the companies to prosper in our markets. By requiring social ethics to be mingled with business ethics we can provide a future for not only our companies but our employees as well.
               The best example of this idea and a perfect illustration of how it could work is Hawaii’s health care plan. In 1974 Hawaii voted in a major bill that made a statewide government mandate to all employers operating within to provide health insurance to any employees working twenty or more hours a week.7 The mandate did not say every citizen got health care, it said every working person received it, thus eliminating the argument that bums and ne’er-do-wells who do not work will exploit the health care and undermine the benefits of it. Hawaii now boasts:
        “Today Hawaii has the best access to health care in the nation, nearly 100 percent; Hawaii is the healthiest state in terms of longevity, infant mortality, premature morbidity, and morbidity rates for heart disease, cancer and emphysema. Also, Hawaii's health care costs are significantly lower than those of other states, a remarkable fact in view of Hawaii's generally high cost of living and the presence of social ills and at-risk populations.”8
         While it may be a long road to get there is it not worth the work to know that a single mother won’t be without a home, that a displaced veteran won’t be forced to beg for change? Everyone working within a society deserves the protections and benefits of that society, and what kind of nation are we that we refuse to show mercy to those who deserve it?